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Beating the LA Heat

9/29/2023 (Permalink)

Irwindale/Baldwin Park has been sizzling in record-breaking heat from the desert to the sea this Summer. With high temperatures shattering all-time records across the region, it has been tough to beat the heat.

Here are some fun and practical things to do while staying safe and cool as Irwindale/Baldwin Park temperatures top 110 degrees:

Visit an Indoor Museum

We love the outdoors so much in Irwindale/Baldwin Park., that even many of our museums have partially outside campuses. The Marciano and MOCA are both solely indoors, and the Natural History Museum has enough air-conditioned galleries to occupy hours of your time. LACMA and the Hammer Museum both have outdoor courtyards between some galleries, but we’ll make an exception since they’re both such short walks in the sun.

Go to the Library

Though we often take advantage of the online benefits of a library card, this weekend might be a great time to read a good ol’ hardcover book. Many libraries double as official cooling centers—which more or less means you’re welcome to laze there during operating hours.

Treat Yourself to Ice Cream

Will it melt the second you step into the sun? Probably. But will it make you feel better? Absolutely. Ice cream and classic frozen desserts are certainly in order for this sizzling summer heat. 

Catch a Summer Movie

Put outdoor movie season on pause for a day or two and instead hole up at your favorite movie theater. Make a whole day of it if you’re really craving that sweet, sweet air-conditioning and catch a couple of this summer’s biggest movies in the same day.

Go to the Skating Rink

The skating rink — be it roller or ice — has always been a perfect place to spend a few hours cooling off and getting some exercise in the summertime. 

Visit Your Local IKEA 

The Scandinavian furniture and home goods store — with locations in Burbank, Carson, Covina and Costa Mesa, locally — is a monument to commerce so massive, we're relatively sure you could spend a day or several "testing" various ready-to-assemble sofas and beds and soaking up AC and no one would be the wiser. 

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